Demonstrates how to implement stock assessment itself as reproducible software

This technique is effective not only for reproducibility, but also formalize our work,

Sample report can be seen here

How to update assessment

Confirm build passing

Run devtools::test() to confirm the letest version (i.e. assessment conducted in the previous year) works as intended

Update test to break build

Every work starts from issues. Although the build success is a good news for scientist developed the latest version, but not for you—you have to break build to start your work.

If you are about to start stock assessment in 2021, the test case in tests/testthat/test-overall.R does not match current status.

  • Update the year of test from 2020 to 2021
  • Run devtools::test() again
  • Build fails and your work starts 🎉

Journey to fix build

What does the build error says?